Full Confession. I didn’t sit down to write this until I had my cup of Teeccino and a handful of homemade graham crackers. Teeccino is a healthy coffee alternative (avoiding afternoon caffeine), but I’m not really hungry and the graham crackers are mostly to satisfy my urge to chew. But these behaviors aren’t once in a while activities, instead they are habits everyday at the same time the same cravings occur. If I’m out of my house, however, the cravings aren’t nearly as bad. Why?
We’ve snooped around and researchers have a plethora of suggestions for curbing cravings and to be frankly honest, none of them are all that hard. The key? Consistency.
Read on for 3 ways to curb your cravings for good:
1. Clean Up
Evidently, clutter causes us to have poor eating habits. So when I’m overwhelmed and sitting at my desk, it comes as no surprise that instead of cleaning my desk I get up and find a snack. The solution? De-clutter and have discipline with keeping a tidy space. Research has shown that when given a choice of an apple or a piece of chocolate, students working in an organized room were more apt to pick the apple.
2. Prep Your Food
Pay attention to what you buy and prep, prep, prep. Buying your kids a bounty of snacks only means you’ll be eating them too. Buy one or two snacks, and then chop and prep healthier choices like carrots and peppers, apples and nuts, berries and melon with a sprinkle of lime, cucumbers with dill and onions. If they are ready to go, you won’t be able to justify your bad choice with the excuse of “ease” and you will find that they are a lot tastier and satisfying.
3. Slow Down
Most of us eat too much when we feel rushed. When we eat standing up, or with too much going on, we forget to slow down and enjoy our meal. The more calm setting you’re in, the more likely you’re going to eat what you should. So turn down the lights, set the mood, and enjoy a slower pace!
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