Sleep in a Field Of Lush Lavender



We at Healing Lifestyles & Spas are never without our lavender oil. Ever.

For skin, hair, and overall well-being, not many essential oils can match its usefulness, versatility, and aromatherapy benefits. It also has many uses in the home. Next time you wash your sheets why not make it an organic experience by infusing your mattress, bed linens, and entire bedroom with the sweet and healing smell of lavender.

Interestingly enough, ancient Greeks and Romans used lavender as a disinfectant, antiseptic, and for washing their clothes, and in fact, centuries ago laundresses in England use to be known as “lavenders,” from the Latin meaning of lavender “to wash.” You can bring some of that ancient wisdom to your modern sleeping chamber by removing your bed linens, placing several drops of this oil in a spray bottle with water and spraying (or wiping) your mattress down with the mixture. When washing your bed linens, add a few drops of oil to your final rinse cycle, or place a few drops on a cloth and throw it in the dryer with the bed linens. Before going to sleep at night re-spray the spritz on your entire bed. Besides smelling divine, the relaxing and calming properties of lavender will balance your mind, body, and spirit and help you sleep.

The lavender spritz makes a great air freshener as well and is a wonderful alternative to the toxic-laden commercial air fresheners that permeate the market and our lives. I use the spritz on carpets, curtains, upholstered furniture, the car’s interior, my closet, and even the litter box, to instantly perk up and revive tired and stuffy feeling spaces. The uses of the spritz, like lavender oil itself, really are endless.

Depending on your mood and the season, you can make also make a spritz with rosemary, lemon, bergamot, sandalwood, ylang ylang, jasmine, cinnamon, clove, frankincense, myrrh, or just about any essential oil you find pleasing. If someone in the house is coming down with a cold, try adding eucalyptus, peppermint, thyme, or tea tree oil to help ease congestion and open up the nasal passages.

Now simply sit (or lay) back and get ready to breathe in the goodness!


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