What is Love Addiction? 3 Signs You May Be Addicted To Love


Are you a love addict? Do you crave attention from the opposite sex? Do you feel uncomfortable when you are single? Do you need to be in a relationship to feel secure and good about yourself? Welcome to the world of love addiction.

Love addicts, like most addicts, are searching for something outside of themselves.

They get into relationship very fast, and avoid looking at the person and relationship for what is, rather they are obsessed with fantasies about what could be.

I recently coached an individual who had signs of love addiction. After recovering from this type of relationship myself, I was equipped to share with her the methods I used to pull myself out of this abusive relationship, and ultimately into a place of expressive, free-flowing healthy love.


Here are 3 Signs You Have Love Addiction

Love Addiction

  • Do You Obsess

Love addicts tend to see a fantasy of the person they are with rather than the real person. They say, “I love you” very early, and often obsess over their partner. They will idealize their partner and act out in anger and frustration when they feel abandoned.

If you are obsessing the first step is to recognize this pattern. And rather than focusing on what the person is or isn’t doing, ask yourself “How you really feel about them?” Many times we idealize the person and avoid looking at the real characteristics. Seeing the relationship for what it is and not what it “could be” is way to lesson the relationship drama.

  • Do You Fear Being Alone and Intimacy?

Love addicts greatest fear is abandonment and more surprisingly intimacy. Many love addicts pick strong individuals so they can feel safe and protected. Note, that these strong types, are often closed off or unavailable emotionally, which future feeds the abusive behaviors.

Some love addicts often keep themselves at a distance; the core of who they are is sealed off from the relationship in fear of being rejected. If you relate, practice being vulnerable in a safe environment.

  • Do You Spend All your Time With Your Partner? 

Although it may feel like it, look at your fear and recognize that being alone does not equal death. Take yourself out on mini dates, alone, and practice being with you. Sometimes love addicts let their health go. Many love addicts stop hang in out with friends and family so they can spend all their time with their partner. The obsession because so larger that they forget to do daily things, like brush their teeth or pay their bills. If you are in an unhealthy relationship and you love addiction is overbearing you are note alone.


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Shannon Kaiser

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