Green Bouquet


You wouldn’t bring an open pesticide container into your home, would you? So why bring in a bouquet of pesticide-laden flowers? All too often, the unblemished flowers commonly sold at grocery stores and florists are raised on farms using harmful pesticides and other chemicals. Bringing summer blooms into your home doesn’t have to take a toll on the environment; several online organic floral companies have sprung up over the past few years offering organic cut flowers, arrangements for gifts, special occasions, or everyday enjoyment.

To give and get the best green bouquets, try online retailers like Organic Bouquet, California Organic Flowers, Diamond Organics, or Manic Organics Flowers; all of which will deliver organically grown flowers to your doorstep. If you’re shipping to Canada, try ordering from Not only are these flowers better for the environment and the workers who grow them, but they are also priced to compete with traditional online florists.

The leading online retailer of organic flowers is Organic Bouquet, a company started in 2001 by Gerald Prolman. Organic Bouquet has been rapidly expanding to meet the growing U.S. demand for organic flowers. While organic flowers are still not widely available in stores, they could be soon. The Organic Trade Association predicts that organic flower sales will grow 13 percent annually through 2008. Part of the appeal of organic blooms is that online retailers offer hard-to-find and unusual flowers, like Anemones, Asiatic lilies, and bouquets of wildflowers. If you’d rather handpick your bouquet, try visiting your local farmer’s market for a seasonal selection of organic flowers.

More ambitious flower-lovers can grow organic blooms in their backyard with bulbs, flower seeds, and supplies from companies like Seeds of Change, Johnny’s Selected Seeds, and High Mowing Seed Company. Bringing the sweet smell of flowers indoors can be one of the great pleasures of summer. One easy way to enjoy flowers indoors is to force flower bulbs. Organic tulip bulbs are available from online retailers like TulipWorld, and they ship U.S. orders directly from Amsterdam. FedCo Seeds also offers a wide array of organic flowers and bulbs, with tips in their catalogue and online for both amateur and expert gardeners.

Kimberly Wilson

Healing Lifestyles & Spas Team
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