5 Acts To Earn Good Karma



Karma: What you put out will come back to you in expected ways. Give only what you don’t mind getting back to you.

Karma, put simply, means “what goes around comes around.” If you give out good energy, it will come back full circle, and the same goes for negative energy. Many people live life on autopilot, not aware that their thoughts influence their realities. Much of the unrest we see in the world today is a direct result of people’s thoughts. All of the wars, bickering, complaining, and general unhappiness begins with a thought carried out with action.

Here are five ways to earn good karma.

  1. Let someone cut in line.
    We’ve all been the customer with just a couple of things behind a customer who has so much stuff she appears to be stocking up for a snowstorm. Let someone who appears to be in a hurry or who has just a couple of things get ahead. What do you have to lose?
  2. Help an elderly person.
    Many elderly folks need help getting around. Help someone climb the stairs, carry groceries or read the back of a book jacket. It will be greatly appreciated and most amply rack up karma points.
  3. Smile at a stranger.
    Smiling is a contagious. It makes people want to be around you. Seeing someone else smile can easily turn up someone’s day and make you feel better. Besides, frowning never got anyone anywhere.
  4. Give a compliment.
    Take a time out once a day to offer someone a compliment. Maybe you like someone’s hair. Maybe you appreciate someone’s effort or strong will. It’s nice to hear a genuine compliment and even nicer to be the one giving it, especially when it’s well-deserved.
  5. Call someone you love and tell them you do.
    We don’t tell our friends and family enough how much we appreciate them but when we do, it makes us both feel fulfilled and happy. Send positive energy into the universe by communicating to someone why you love them.

    How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.– Wayne Dyer

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