Year of The Fire Monkey: What That Means For You


Today marks the new moon in Aquarius, which also begins the Year of the Fire Monkey. A new glimmering, shinny, wide-eyed version of your best-self, with fresh optimistic energy. Can you feel the shift? Read on to learn what this means for you.

Fire MonkeyDid you wake up feeling great? It is a new moon, and a new year according to Chinese Astrology. We end the year of the sheep and today marks the start of the Fire Monkey, playful, fun and inviting you to drum up clever solutions. Now is the time to go after that dream in your heart.


According to astrologer Kari Samuels, fire is the element of passion and courage. The monkey is a quick-witted problem-solver who can find solutions to any challenge. The Fire Monkey year is empowering you to have and be whatever you want, if you have the courage to go for your dreams!

As Kari Samules says, “Blessings and bounty will come to those bold enough to believe in themselves.”

DECLARE YOUR INTENTIONS TO THE UNIVERSE During this New Moon, state your intention clearly and directly to the Universe. Go on with your sweet self, say it out loud. What you desire, is on its way when you set your intention clearly.


Walt Disney was right, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” You have all the tools within you to fulfill your beautiful heart true desire. When you are expressing your unique soul’s purpose, all the forces in the Universe will align to help you. And now is the time to be bold, brave and beautiful.

The Astro Twins and Suzanne White share more about what this means for you on a personal level, everyone will be called upon this year to take stock of the condition of their bodies. Some of us have developed chronic conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, trick knees or tennis elbow. Some people ache in every joint. 2016 will be the perfect year to start a regimen and perform at least one detox. Simultaneously, get yourself to a physical therapist who can guide you through exercises to heal even the most painful and debilitating complaints. Too, you should either join a gym, swim four times a week, jog or sign up for courses in Pilates, Yoga, Zumba or cycling. If you can afford it, hire a coach to assist you in building and maintaining muscle. If you’re feeling sluggish, see a nutritionist and follow their instructions. If all of the above approaches are also above your means, grab a throw rug and download an exercise video. The Fire Monkey year urges and even pushes us to find original ways to remain healthy and strong.

In the Fire Monkey year you can get ahead, create new concepts, start a business or leave a job. This is a time to be bolder and cleverer than the next guy. But remember that this Fire Monkey year will also be rife with chicanery and deceit. You must play each opportunity deftly. Do not barrel ahead on any project or make any investments that you have not thoroughly researched. Study each situation and pore over complex documents ‘til your eyes are popping out of your head. Just because 2016 is a leap year doesn’t mean you should leap before you take a good hard objective look at all the details. Nonetheless, forge onward. Take charge and dare in the Fire Monkey year

2016 containing fire monkey


Now is the time to step forward and embrace your ideal self. The Fire Monkey energy can support your goals manifesting with much more ease. So drop the worry and focus fully forward on what you want. Be the eye of the tiger and let yourself roar.

Here’s the thing, today is a special day with the New Moon and change of the new year according to Chinese astrology. You don’t want to let the momentum fall behind you. Take action on your goals today. Our pal Marie Forleo, business coach and Super Soul Sunday Oprah gal is offering FREE training videos for a limited time to help you turn your dreams into a business reality. Watch for free here.

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Shannon Kaiser

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