Pretty Happy: A Total Health Overhaul By Kate Hudson


When I first received Kate Hudson’s new book, Pretty Happy, I was concerned it was going to be another movie star’s take on how to be happy…

… a challenging one to take at face value, considering the amount of resources movie stars have at their disposal. So I was more than surprised when I found that her book not only addressed the emotional aspects of happiness, but also the psychological and physical aspects of happiness and how they inter-relate.


And the most prominent tone in Pretty Happy is learning to love yourself so that you can create an “intuitive relationship with your body.” I loved the message here; instead of just offering meal plans and exercises for toning your tush, she instead asks you to look inside—and write, journal and listen—so that you can understand how what you’re feeding yourself, what you’re saying to yourself, and how you move is impacting your overall happiness.

In her book, she ties in both an Ayurvedic approach to food with the Alkaline/Acid Balance theory. And when it comes to exercise she doesn’t prescribe a one-size-fits-all approach, but instead asks you to find something that not only helps you break a sweat, but also a smile.

After her introduction, explaining how she came to the place she is (not without struggle, folks), she asks you to dive in with body scans, questionnaires and exercises to better understand where you’re at now. Then she moves into her four pillars of self-care—her simplified way of sharing what she does to help you find wellness. The four pillars:

  • Pillar One asks you to Cultivate an Intuitive Relationship with Your Body
  • Pillar Two shows you how to Eat Well
  • Pillar Three helps you Awaken Your Body with movement you love
  • Pillar Four will introduce you to the Miracle of Mindfulness

As you navigate through each of these pillars you’ll most likely find what I did—some are much easier for you than others. Perhaps the exercise piece you have down, but your self-talk is nothing but sabotage; or maybe you’ve had a meditation practice for years, but the movement piece is holding you back. No matter where you’re at, she helps you move forward on your journey.

Finally, the last few chapters cover mindfulness and techniques for starting a meditation practice, as well as a purifying cleanse (yep, no sugar here folks). This book is for not only someone looking to overhaul their approach to health, but also anyone looking for new inspiration that comes from something other than the mirror. (HarperCollins, May 2016).

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Melissa, Editorial Director

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