That Void Only a Woman’s Circle Can Fill.


woman's circle

Have you ever been to a woman’s circle? It’s a lot more than what the name indicates and you’d likely benefit from one more than you realize.

One by one, stories are being told as the #MeToo movement sweeps across the nation. We are all becoming aware that change is necessary. The way men and women relate has been, at times, very unhealthy, and both sexes need to take a look at their part in the equation.

From the stories told, it’s beyond clear that some men need to learn how to read and understand women better.They require education on how to treat a woman with dignity and respect, how to listen, hear and understand her words, and how to read her nonverbal cues.

It has also become apparent from the stories told that many women need to find their voice. As a woman, I now know that I need to really understand what I want, what I don’t want, and how to express these things in undeniable ways. To do this, I must become better acquainted with myself. I must uncover who I am, and how I feel. This is where my empowerment lies. Then, when I am thrown into various situations, I will have this solid foundation to stand on, and make choices from.

One of the BEST ways I have found to undertake this seemingly daunting task is to sit in circle with my sisters. Biologically, I have two sisters. But as I opened up to possibility and joined my Queen’s Tribe circle about a year ago, I have found that my Las Vegas community (Sin City!) has provided me with literally hundreds of sisters! Together in our woman’s circle we laugh, we cry, we express anger and fear, and we respect and support one another on our journeys. We listen and hold space for one another, and this act fills a deep void that we might have sensed but never knew how to treat.

What is a woman’s circle? They come with many names, they meet at various times and intervals, and they all conduct themselves in their own special way. But basically, a woman’s circle is a group of women that meet on a regular basis, sit together and share. Joy, pain, experiences, and stories are all exchanged and acknowledged within this sacred space of women. Self-secrets are unearthed through games, exercises and other engaging activities.

woman's circle

Judgement is left at the door, since a circle is the space where each woman is welcome to be her true, authentic self. We are allowed to gather as imperfect humans, with our stories and pain, questions and desires, anger and confusion, and together we muddle through the murky waters, holding each others hands. We are allowed to gather as powerful Goddesses, creators of our own realities. We lovingly explore and examine all of the different nuances of being human while extending out our support and strength out to one another.

Are you interested in finding a women’s circle? With today’s modern technology, it is actually really easy. You can search for them in your area on Facebook, MeetUp, or even just by googling women’s circle. Please note that each circle is unique, because each is run by different women, so there will be different themes, vibes and kinds of people attracted to each circle. If you go to one and you don’t feel you mesh well with it, don’t stop there! Find another. I promise there will be one that feels like home to you. (And if you live in Las Vegas, feel free to drop by our Queen’s Tribe. It’s the third Sunday of every month. Just google it. And come.)

Do you live in an area where there are no women’s circles? Then start your own! It’s actually not that hard. There’s a group called the Global Sisterhood through Worldwide Local Sister Circles on Facebook that you can join for free, and they provide everything you need to run a meeting, including ideas, activities and plans. 

woman's circle

Now more than ever we need one another. Times are a’changing, and life will be much more enjoyable if we tap into the flow to grow and evolve along with the changes.  We have sequestered ourselves away in our homes feeling lonely and isolated for too long. The truth is, none of us are alone. We only need to gather together, sit and share, and immediately our cup runneth over and we come home, to our hearts.

One of the amazing ladies in my circle wrote a poem, expressing how our gatherings made her feel. May it inspire you to get out there and be with other women. We are indeed each other’s keys to understanding ourselves, knowing ourselves and loving ourselves, for we are all one.

Sit with me in conversation.

I will listen.

Sit with me in laughter.

I will share your joy.

Sit with me in tears.

I will empathize.

Sit with me in anger.

I will allow you to vent.

Sit with me in shame.

I will not judge you.

Sit with me in sorrow.

I will feel your pain.

Sit with me in silence.

I will understand.

Sit with me in comfort.

For we are sisters.

I will hold your heart.

Sit with me.

By Barbara Trznadel

Rebecca Marie

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